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What is VPN detection

What is VPN detection? How to detect a VPN with an API

What is a VPN?

VPN works in a way that actively redirects and disguises a user’s IP address to make it seem like they are accessing it from a location that they are not physically located in. This action saves the user’s information and transfers the traffic through the VPN instead of going directly from the website to the device. In fact, with many VPN providers, users can choose where they wish their VPN to be located, whether in another region of the country or even in another country in another part of the globe.

To know more about VPN and proxy detection for enhanced privacy

VPN is a network technology designed to support the access of Internet resources of the private network.

Why do people use a VPN?

VPN is a solution that Internet users actively use for many reasons. Some of the most common reasons stem from the ability to enhance data privacy and security while using open and unprotected Wi-Fi networks for browsing, shielding their users from apps and websites intent on spying on them or exercising more employer and employee remote working security.

Thirdly, VPNs have become more popular thanks to an added feature that allows a user to unblock content in a given country. People who browse the internet employ VPNs for purposes of searching for a hidden discount or cheaper prices on, for instance, an air ticket or hotel lodging. VPN providers even go further to market this as an extra advantage of using a VPN.

How are VPNs misused?

Increased security has made criminals abuse VPNs to engage in other illegitimate activities on the internet.

●  Spreading malicious programs and identity theft

VPNs can be helpful for criminals to help with distributing malware or even identity theft type of things. They employ VPNs to hide their identity, geographical location, and actions from specific websites or specific persons, as well as from law enforcement within their own country.

VPN detection

●  Click fraud

Internet advertising could potentially cost internet advertising-based businesses billions of dollars because of click fraud. This is where a particular fraudster with a VPN connection exaggerates clicks on a PPC advertising campaign, exhausts the campaign money, and ensures that genuine users or visitors do not see or visit the intended ads.

VPN detection methods:

VPNs can be detected through such rudimentary procedures as comparing the actual browser timezone with the target server exit node or using IP databases containing information on whether the given IP address is the VPN. Or it might be based on TCP/IP fingerprinting and knowledge of other information that can be found in the transmitted network traffic.

Other VPN Detection Techniques:

  • Port Scanning: Can discover open ports but is privacy violating and uses many false positives from legitimate structured scenes.
  • WebRTC IP Leakage: This may reveal IP addresses, but current browsers and especially VPNs don’t allow such leakage.
  • DNS IP Leakage: This happens when DNS requests ignore the VPN, and it is not very common since the VPN employs secure DNS connection.
  • Latency Test: Specifies delays over your network but can sometimes mistake VPNs due to distant servers or other problems.
  • HTTP/Proxy Headers: May suggest VPN use, however, experts adjust headers.
  • VPN Browser Extensions: Find extensions, but standard VPN applications are still not noticeable.

That is why the use of multiple methods, including active or passive, increases detection accuracy.

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